4 Crucial Things to Consider When Purchasing a Wheelchair

4 Crucial Things to Consider When Purchasing a Wheelchair

Various options and designs in the market make choosing wheelchairs a difficult decision to make. Time to analyze your needs, the freedom, and mobility you require help to make the right choice. Buying a wheelchair is an investment decision to improve physical and mental health. Here are crucial factors to consider when buying a wheelchair.

1. Body Size, Weight, and Shape

When selecting a wheelchair, consider your body size and shape. If the chair is too small, it will be uncomfortable. If it is too big, then you may slip and fall off. There are custom-made chairs of different sizes and shapes for adults and children. You may also consider the weight restrictions of wheelchairs before buying.

2. Medical Needs and Diagnosis

Some people may find it difficult to control their wheelchairs by hand, while others find it easy due to medical conditions. An electric wheelchair suits a person who cannot control themselves. A manual wheelchair is for those who can use it themselves.

Electric wheelchairs are best for long-term mobility issues, while for temporary back injuries, a manual wheelchair is the right option. When choosing your first wheelchair, follow a doctor’s recommendations to prevent any long-term problems from your condition.

3. Consider the Rim and Durability of the Wheels

The wheelchair’s wheels need to match your mobility and individual needs. The wheels should be highly durable depending on different surfaces if you are a frequent outdoor person. They also have to require low maintenance that is not expensive in case of repairs.

For slippery surfaces, choose wheels that have excellent resistance. For outgoing people, considering the rim is necessary. The wheelchair rim design should help you securely grip the rear wheels. If you have less grip, you can customize a push grip on the wheelchair.

4. Arm and Foot Rests Types

The comfort of your wheelchair depends on the armrest. It should be secure enough for your weight in and out of the wheelchair. An ideal armrest height is the distance from your elbow to the seat. Try out the arm pads before purchasing a wheelchair.

There is an option for an adjustable armrest height that suits your particular needs. There are two types of armrests, a full-length armrest for people who frequently need to stand up and a desk length that allows you to move closer to a table.

When seated, the footrest height is from the back of the knee to the heel of the foot. It is essential for people with muscle power and helps the user to bend when picking things on the ground. A foldable footrest is the standard style, but you can customize yours according to your preferences.

Wheelchairs vary in their types, designs, and purposes to different users. Purchasing a wheelchair depends on your needs, comfort, and preferences. When deciding which wheelchair to buy, seek assistance from different suppliers to make the right choice. Hopefully, this guide gives you a head start when making this investment decision on your health. Nothing like buying a Wheelchair with all the required features.

