Smoking a cigar has its own learning curve. Learning how to smoke, choosing a cigar, and preparing the foot are just a few parts of the experience. If you want to give a cigar as a gift, follow these top 5 helpful tips to please that cigar aficionado.
1. Size the Cigar First
Cigars are available in a myriad of different shapes and sizes. Truthfully, the size directly impacts the smoking experience. Gentleman’s Journal recommends a cigar that’s long and thick as a gift. Not only will the smoking time be extended, but each inhalation is cooler in temperature than with a thinner or shorter cigar.
Today’s cigars have a thickness or ring gauge ranging from 28 to 64. Ideally, select a 46-ring gauge for gifts. This specification works well for both beginners and experienced users.
2. Consider the Recipient’s Favorite Foods
Because you can purchase cigars from all corners of the world today, there are countless numbers of flavors to explore. For a gift, consider your loved one’s favorite tastes. Satisfy savory cravings with a spicy cigar full of pepper or coffee notes, for instance. Alternatively, sweet cigars are available, too. From chocolate to toffee, these notes are highlights of certain cigar brands.
3. Know the Cigar’s Strength
In the cigar industry, there are three levels of strength. Mild, medium, and bold cigars describe the nicotine strength of a cigar. For gift-giving, choose from either mild or medium strengths. Bold or full-bodied cigars should only be given to experienced aficionados.
Essentially, mild and medium cigars have less nicotine than bold types. Overall, the smoking sensation isn’t as intense as a mild product’s experience. Because each person reacts to nicotine inhalation differently, erring on the side of caution with a mild or medium selection is important.
4. Know About Storage Limitations
All cigars must be stored within a specific range of 65- to 70-percent relative humidity. Before gifting your loved one, be aware of their current cigar storage. Aside from purchasing a humidor, consider buying a humidity pack along with the cigar gift. Many retailers sell cigars and accessories so that you can give a complete gift that lasts. Without the proper humidity, cigars dry out and become bitter, or expand and grow mold with excessive moisture.
5. Try a Cigar Sampler
If you’re unsure about which cigar to select, a sampler is always a safe choice. Build your own, or choose from premade samplers by select retailers. If you’re building your own set, choose cigars of various sizes, colors, and flavor types.
Furthermore, consider adding a few cigar accessories to the sampler. For example, cutters, lighters, and ashtrays are always appreciated. Afterward, your loved one only has to refill the cigar collection. Those accessories can last for many years.
As you shop for a cigar gift, consider purchasing one for yourself. Sharing a smoke is a traditional way to bond and relax. After presenting the gift, your loved one can discover a new taste and experience with a high-quality cigar. This shared experience can create lasting memories, offering both of you a moment to unwind and enjoy each other’s company.