The startup world can be fast-paced and ruthless at times while the financial gain is immense. A startup in its infancy has to make sure that they are getting the most of the money that is being spent. The workforce going remote has already saved a number of companies money due to not having to pay rent anymore. Outsourcing has changed a lot as contractors can be contacted or even meet virtually from around the world. The ability to drive down costs while not impacting the quality of work being done will make for quite a profitable year. The following are positions that you should consider outsourcing to save the company time and money.
There is going to be a need for copy to be written regardless if you realize it or not. This can include everything from landing pages on the website to offsite publishing on relevant websites to drive search engine rankings. The importance of picking a quality copywriter cannot be understated as generic content is a waste of money and time. Finding these professionals is quite easy when you go to a platform like Upwork. Writers frequently have their portfolios linked so you can see their style and how in-depth they are in terms of their content.
Publishing on relevant websites will require custom content unless you are doing a press release push. Even things like meta tags on pages make a difference in SEO. Make sure your writer understands keywords being targeted and has a background in digital marketing.
Accountants can be extremely expensive to hire in-house and their services might not be used throughout the year as much as you would like. Looking into a Raleigh CPA will be wise as they can be a huge help come tax time. Technology has made it as easy as ever to stay organized when it comes to the costs the business incurs. Staying organized can allow the CPA to find as many tax breaks as possible. The last thing you want is the IRS sending you a letter due to trying to do taxes yourself and making a mistake. Tax evasion can lead to huge penalties and potentially prison.
Data Entry
Data entry can be immensely tedious and can easily be outsourced. There is a chance that you find a data entry professional for far less than it would cost to pay a full-time employee. Freelancers are always looking for consistent projects so they do not have to scramble constantly to find work. Freelancers can also do things like finding contact information of sales prospects. This will be a far better usage of time than having the sales team extract all of the data, pitch the prospects, and set meetings. The right few freelancers can be a huge addition when it comes to making the jobs of the in-house staff easier.
Startups need to keep costs low which makes outsourcing imperative. In the future, these positions can be brought in-house. This is not a necessity though especially if everything is working smoothly and efficiently.