Pros and Cons of Co-Managed IT

Co-managed IT is when two organizations come together to manage an organization’s IT operations. The two organizations work together to provide the best possible solutions and services for the organization.

Co-managed IT covers a wide range of services, such as system administration and monitoring, maintenance and patching, data backup and recovery, security management, cloud solutions, application hosting, and more. It also includes the ability to scale up or down depending on the organization’s needs.

The Pros of Co-Managed IT include:

1. Increased flexibility

By partnering with an outside provider, you can add more flexibility to your IT operations. You are able to expand and contract quickly in response to changing business needs without putting strain on internal resources or having unrealistic goals for staff.

2. Improved efficiency

With a partner to help manage your IT, you’re able to focus on core operations without worrying about the details of network maintenance and other IT related tasks. This allows you to get more done in less time, leading to increased efficiency and better results overall.

3. Access to specialized skills

When you partner with an experienced provider, you have access to a wide range of specialized skills and expertise that you might otherwise not have access to. This helps you get the most out of your IT investments, as well as stay on top of technology trends.

The Cons of Co-Managed IT include:

1. Increased Costs

Partnering with an outside provider often comes with higher costs than managing IT internally. This can be an issue for small businesses and those on a tight budget who may not have the resources to invest in this type of service.

2. Security Concerns

Working with an outside provider also means that you are entrusting sensitive information to them, which can present serious security concerns. It’s important to make sure that the provider is following best security practices and that they are taking steps to ensure your data is safe.

3. Lack of Control

When you partner with an outside provider, you may have less control over certain aspects of your IT operations. This can be a challenge for organizations that want to maintain strict control over all aspects of their IT infrastructure.

Finding the Right Partner

When it comes to finding the right co-managed IT partner for your organization, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, you need to decide on the services you will require from a managed service provider (MSP). Will they provide comprehensive or specific IT support?

The ideal co-managed IT partner should have experience in your industry, be able to communicate with you and your team effectively, provide quality support and customer service, and be able to troubleshoot issues quickly. It is important to find an MSP that you feel comfortable working with over the long-term.

Overall, co-managed IT can be a great option for many businesses. It offers increased flexibility, improved efficiency and access to specialized skills that may otherwise be unavailable. However, it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision as there are potential risks associated with this type of service. 

Chris Turn

Chris Turn