Rediscovering Joy at Work
Joy at Work – A “Rediscovery”
Why, for many workers, joy has simply escaped them at work. The most common response nowadays is the pandemic of 2020. However, many people were already having the need and desire to feel joy again at work. No one can downplay the fact that the 2020 pandemic did cause a lot of people to be less joyful at work, and that is proven by the actions that many took such as quitting and resigning from their once beloved “j.o.b.s”. Yes, the Big Quit and/or the Great Resignation hit the airways and highways just as the pandemic itself did. Only to leave many to ponder many things, but one common thing for many was why they simply no longer had joy at the job. Somehow joy had eluded them and they had a great desire to rediscover joy at work. Some took the giant leap and actually started their own businesses while others took early retirement. And, this left some to simply work through the joyless moments and then try to rediscover it again. Here, it will be discussed and hopefully helpful to those who could not join in on the big quit or great resignation nor take an early retirement, exactly how, to rediscover joy at work again according to medical expert Jordan Sudberg.
The How To
First one should try to recall why the joy left and what happened to that joy so that it can be rediscovered. There could be a host of many different reasons why. Complete and simple burnout is one reason that is very common. So, take that much needed timeout and then begin to pursue joy. Even in the midst of pain and challenges, pursue hope and joy. Think, what stole the joy and feel the pain, then pursue that joy by being courageous, grateful, and authentic while grabbing a hold of one’s strengths.
Next, build upon the strength that has been mentioned previously. This is vital as building upon one’s strength can awaken a joy that can be even better than the previous level of joy. Whatever that thing was that energized and sparked creativity at work is a strength that can be built upon.
Last, one should start to focus on their own professional growth in order to rediscover joy at work. One may not realize just how much of themselves that they give to others on the job and the business organization itself but it is crucial to take time to look and give some love and care to one’s own professional growth. Then take steps to put some effort in growing professionally for oneself.
In conclusion, rediscovering joy at work is easier said than done but if one were to take these little tips and apply them, there is a chance one can reach higher levels of joy never known before on their job. Working can become so routine and once stress is added, the joy can simply slip away but Jordan Sudberg would agree that it can be rediscovered.