Staff Motivation and Productivity
Jordan Sudberg, a pain management specialist studies how an office’s staff motivation impacts the company’s productivity. In a study published in “The Journal of Pain,” Sudberg found a correlation between an office’s staff motivation and productivity, according to pain management specialist Jordan Sudberg. With Sudberg being one of the most respected physical therapy specialists in New York City, his findings are coming from some pretty deep pockets.
Correlation Between Staff Motivation and Productivity
1. The Staff
According to Sudberg, the most important thing a business owner can do is keep their office staff motivated. Sudberg suggests that while the office manager is not the most important person in keeping an office running smoothly, they are still essential. Sudberg states that one of his clients knew she was losing her best employees and had a gut feeling that it might be due to not having a good relationship with her assistant manager. She decided to sit down with her assistant manager and talk about what she thought might be causing their current issues. As it turned out, the assistant manager was ready for a change and wanted to move on. Sudberg says the business owner should never forget that employee motivation is a problem within their company.
2. The Company
Sudberg states that it is essential for an office’s staff motivation to be high, as employees should have a great sense of accomplishment when contributing to the success of a business. Sudberg also states that companies with high productivity will have a greater possibility of growing and expanding their businesses, allowing more jobs to be done by more people. Sudberg also notes that well-run companies are often more profitable, as they can take orders from several different companies or individuals at once, allowing them to make much larger profits than smaller businesses.
3. The Office
Sudberg states that to keep an office staff well-motivated, the office should have no distractions, a positive atmosphere, and a clear purpose. Sudberg points out that if the office is messy or the temperature is too cold or too hot, it will affect an employee’s motivation and productivity. He says company culture and workplace politics also affect workplace motivation significantly. According to Sudberg, companies where management has no interest in promoting healthy relationships between employees are not likely to do as well as companies where there is a high degree of trust between all employees and their superiors.
Jordan Sudberg believes that with all the time and effort a business owner puts into their company, it should be returned with a highly motivated staff. He feels that all businesses could run more efficiently and better if they had a motivated office staff. Sudberg states that you should never brush off the fact that your employees are unhappy or unmotivated because these issues can easily lead to the downfall of an already struggling business. If a business owner lacks motivation in their employees, they should sit down and talk with them to learn about their issues. Once the problem is identified and dealt with, the business owner needs to fix their organization’s structure, allowing for a more productive environment. Sudberg sums it up best when he says, “Motivation is an essential element for job satisfaction.”