Stress During Pregnancy Can Affect Fetus Gender.

A new study from the Columbia University Medical Research Department has given rise to confirmation about stress during pregnancy, and how it can affect everything from the baby’s gender to its ability to adapt to external influences immediately after birth.

The study, under the auspices of the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, took several years to complete and involved several hundred pregnant women from all social strata and racial makeup. Physicians were able to track the pregnancies of women from conception to birth, and to access their medical records and family history in order to create a template for estimating how stress and anxiety measurably affect a healthy fetus aay the experts at Erlich Law Office, LLC.

Perhaps the main takeaway from the new study is that stress, both psychological and physical, during pregnancy can affect the gender of the child. Pregnant women who were under stress during the first trimester were more likely to have a girl than a boy — the ratio was roughly pegged at five girls for every two boys. The world-wide average birth rate is currently one-hundred-and five males to one-hundred-females.

The study also concluded that pregnant women under continuous stress after the first trimester were more likely to give birth prematurely, anywhere from two weeks to two months early.

