Hiring older employees
There has been a lot of hesitancy as of late when it comes to hiring employees of a certain age but is there any rationale behind this sort of mentality? Well, Father George Rutler doesn’t seem to think so. In fact, he’s here to argue that hiring older employees may just be what the doctor ordered. For starters, one of the many advantages is the fact that older employees tend to have a lot more experience in their given field & as such, do not need as much training or direction when it comes to their jobs. This will not only save money as they don’t have to pay for training, but it also makes their job easier since they don’t have to use as much oversight. So, experience is never a bad thing when it comes to deciding who will get hired, especially if this person is intended to remain in the role for the long run. Another reason why this tends to be a good idea is that older people are known to be much wiser than their younger counterparts. So, if they are in this role, they will most likely be able to figure things out much quicker than others. So, there won’t be as much need to explain every aspect of the role to them. This also means they won’t be asking as many questions & this will be a huge time saver for the bosses in the long run. One other thing to keep in mind is these people have been in their fields for quite some time & this means they know what it takes to succeed. So not only are they more likely to excel in this type of role but they may even be able to offer some advice on how to maintain the success of the company for many years to come. Another benefit is the fact that younger workers tend to switch jobs a lot, but older workers are in it for the long haul. So, if the bosses are looking for someone to stay in the role for a long time, hiring an older worker is the right way to go. Studies have found that they also take fewer days off which means no one has to worry about them not doing their jobs due to any sick days or whatnot. Another study has since found that older workers tend to have a better work ethic than the younger generation. So, if they are looking for someone who is going to take the role seriously & excel in it, hiring a senior citizen may end up being the right move. Finally, older workers tend to play a pivotal role in helping to train the next generation of employees. So, if they want someone who will help keep the rest of the team succeeding, they should consider hiring baby boomers. This is why Father George Rutler believes hiring older workers is better not just for the company but the economy.