The Sustainable Evolution of the Water Pipe

The water pipe has been a vital aspect of our society’s infrastructure for thousands of years. Since 4,000 BC, pipes of all kinds have helped to transport water from cities and communities around the world. Since its invention, the water pipe has undergone much evolution. However, even with these advances, there are water main breaks approximately every two minutes in the United States,

Because of this, it is clear that America’s infrastructure is in need of an update. Different types of pipes have different maintenance needs and life expectancies, from the steel pipe, to the concrete pipe, iron pipe, and today’s fiberglass pipe. However, as a whole, the United States is currently 75 years into infrastructure that was only designed to last 50 years. In addition, the U.S. loses 6 billion gallons of treated water per day. These flaws are costly, and are a call to action for many engineers.

Today, sustainability is at the forefront of most innovation. Our carbon footprint is an important aspect of how we evolve and what we find important to change. Work on the water pipe is following suit, with many municipalities demanding a more safe and reliable solution to the shortcomings of our infrastructure.

The Water Fiberglass Pipe – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
