Are you looking for a marketing strategy that can help you generate more leads while improving and growing your online presence? While you can post just about anything on your business website, working to produce and share killer content is a must for turning leads into dedicated customers.
If you’re wondering what types of SEO content may work best for your business, keep reading. In this guide, we will let you in on some content marketing trends that are perfect for putting your brand in front of potential customers this year.
Blog Posts
Blog posts are one of the most popular and effective digital marketing strategies that any business can utilize. Creating a blog on your website not only improves your SEO ranking but also provides a place for your website visitors to go and find out more about your brand, products, or overall industry.
Blog posts are great tools for exploring topics in your industry while also displaying your brand as an authority on the matter at hand.
Additionally, blog posts can be great for sharing via social media or in your email newsletters. This allows you to market your blogs and lead readers back to your site to find out more. Using SEO-related keywords in your blog posts can help to match your site with those looking for your products or services in your area.
It’s important to create blogs that update readers on the news in your industry. However, you should also create content that makes for an engaging read. Offering your customers some insider expert advice on an issue in your field is a great way to educate your audience while building brand trust.
Guides and How-Tos
Another great way to create online content is to publish helpful guides and how-tos that your audience may find useful. Instructions and tips related to your industry can be great for audiences looking for expert advice. A great way to turn leads into potential customers is to offer free e-books or guides for those who submit their email and subscribe to your newsletter.
This offers those who sign up to receive your content a reward for doing it. It is also ensuring that they further engage with your brand all while improving your SEO ranking.
Video Content
Not all SEO content needs to be in written form. Video content has emerged as one of the most innovative marketing trends as it is highly engaging. You can create video content to share on your website and your social platforms that entertain or educates your audience.
Making videos that highlight the behind-the-scenes of what you do or how-tos in the form of a video can both be great places to start.
For an in-depth guide for small business SEO, head to the link.
Types of SEO Content That Can Improve Your Marketing Strategy
If you’re wondering what types of SEO content would work best for your business, consider some of the options above. Integrate SEO marketing into your advertising efforts and start seeing great results.
Head to the SEO section of our site for more expert advice on this topic today.