In 2020, 70% of physical events switched to hybrid or virtual formats to comply with lockdown orders. Now in 2022, digital events remain popular. 40% of events are planned as virtual while 35% use a hybrid format. Despite the ability to return to physical events, organizers have discovered there are benefits to keeping virtual and hybrid events.
Benefits include cost savings for both organizers and attendees. Businesses can cut travel costs by 30% when they save on event transportation expenses. Organizers don’t have to book hotel rooms, either. While hosting webinars on online platforms may not be free, it does cost significantly less than renting conference space. Along with saving money, event planners and attendees save time by not physically traveling. Virtual events reduce travel and commute for 46% of businesses. All these benefits taken together explain why virtual and hybrid events remain popular post-pandemic.
Yet while there are many aspects to celebrate, virtual events can also bring challenges. “Zoom fatigue” is a real phenomenon. The amount of eye contact on scenes during video chat is unnatural. Each participant is looking at everyone, creating a stressful experience. Event planners should consider ways to mitigate these issues for their webinar attendees.