5 Savvy Ways to Lower Your Stress Levels For a Test

5 Savvy Ways to Lower Your Stress Levels For a Test

Does exam stress frequently impact your grades? Here are some scientifically-proven tips to help you lower your exam stress. You’ll be calmer and more successful which will allow you to perform better on your test.

1. Stretch Before a Test

Stretching is more than a great way to improve your flexibility, it also reduces blood pressure and tension. More importantly, it is reportedly one of the best scientifically- proven ways to lower your stress levels. Exercise in general directly reduces stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

Furthermore, exercising will stimulate your body’s production of endorphins, which are natural painkillers and elevate your mood. Additionally, you are more capable of effectively combating stress when your physical health improves. Finally, stretching can aid in increasing your blood flow, improving your posture, increasing your overall range of motion, and relieving tension headaches.

2. Take a Walk Before a Test

Taking a walk can be especially beneficial in lowering your stress levels. Taking a walk will allow you to think, and give you a brief break from studying as well. Taking a walk alone or with friends or family for between 10 and 20 minutes is also a good way to just unwind. Taking walks is also an excellent move towards maintaining a healthy weight, improving your coordination and balance, and lowering your risk of such chronic diseases as diabetes and heart disease.

3. Properly Prepare Using Test Preparation Materials

Being well prepared for any situation, including a test, will lower your stress levels. Studying using practice exams and other suitable test preparation materials can make you more familiar with the subject area and more confident in your readiness too.

4. Watch the Caffeine

Caffeine can boost your energy but also disrupt your sleep. Consuming caffeine within six hours of bedtime can cause symptoms like nausea, sweating, tremors, and faster heart rate and breathing. Avoid these symptoms by avoiding caffeine the night before the test. If you insist on using caffeine to be alert for an exam, stick to your usual amount. According to a medical study in 2020, students who indulged in energy drinks prior to a test stated they experienced more test anxiety than those who took prescription stimulants.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Pulling “all-nighters”, and studying all night long, may be considered classic college behavior, but it simply isn’t a good habit. Research shows that stress levels increase when studying cuts into your usual hours of sleep. You can reduce the effects of stress by getting a good night’s sleep.

Try these sleep tips:

*Go to bed and wake up at the same time to set your internal clock and improve your sleep quality.

*Always avoid sleeping in and try to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Rather than sleep in after a late night, take a brief nap sometime the next day.

*Keep your smartphone, your tablet, computer, and other electronics out of your bedroom. Turn them off an hour before your bedtime. The blue light that they give off can disrupt your sleep.

*Read a book and relax.

