Have you ever wanted to be able to get a cart full of groceries for free, or close to it? If so, then extreme couponing may be for you. Coupons can help you get a cartload of groceries for pennies on the dollar if done correctly. This means that you can save money for the vacation that you have always wanted or purchased the car that you have always dreamed of having. You will gain a stockpile of groceries that will last you for quite some time. Go ahead, enjoy your dreams!
There are several websites where you can get coupons for free. There are coupons for just about anything that you may want some of the websites to specialize in foods, drinks, and household products. There are websites that specialize in coupons for stores. Say you are wanting to go to Michaels then go to the website and type in michaels coupons. You might be surprised what you will find.
Once you find the website that has the coupons that you want and need all you have to do is print them off. Once printed it is best to find a way to keep them organized. Most people keep a binder that has dividers from a-z in it and has baseball cardholders. This way you can organize by the name of the product and the holders will hold one kind of coupon each in it.
There are coupon websites that charge a fee for the coupons. It could be worth the money for you. You check your sales for the week and then purchase the coupons that you want. They will send you the coupons in the next couple of days so that you can use them before the sale ends. You can write to the manufacturers of products that you like and some of them will send you coupons for items that you request. You never know they may even send you free samples of products that are not out on the market yet for you.
You should always make sure of the coupon policy of the store that you plan on shopping at so that you can follow it exactly. This can tell you how many coupons that you can use per transaction if they will double any coupons if you can use them on BOGO items and if you can use them on clearance items. If possible, get a copy to keep in the binder with the coupons.