Earth’s Balancing Acts To Preserving the Environment

For every action something equal and opposite occurs, though use a lot, this quote aptly describes reality as we know it, not just through the scientific application but permeating all facets of life. It serves to drive home a single point. People like Alex Djerassi do their best to be eco-friendly.  There will always be a directly resulting outcome when a force acts upon another entity, whether positive or negative. In much the same way, it is crucial to keep track of the footprint left on the planet as it serves as a central hub for many essential processes that sustain not only human life but all sentient life that exist here. From the formation of gasses that compose the air one would need to breathe, to the transition of the seasons, it is clear that the Earth operates on a strict level of cyclic operations that maintain an essential balance for all life forms involved. Any interruption or alteration to this balance would spell disaster. Hence, humanity must play its part in allowing this balance to remain unprovoked.

The environment is generally perceived as the surrounding area in which a person, plant or animal lives and operates. The expansion of humanity’s physical presence is overwhelming and has long since left behind any prior geographical limitations. General quality of life has been affected and the environment has felt the brunt of this activity through pollution, deforestation and wildlife exploitation. Man-made structures and activities have been responsible for the excessive accumulation of harmful gases such as methane and carbon dioxide within the atmosphere. The increasing presence of vehicles and factories that rely on fossil fuels has accounted for this infamous carbon footprint, resulting in global warming. As the name implies, this is the warming of the Earth. This occurs because these gases naturally capture heat. Due to this, heat is trapped within our atmosphere and Polar ice caps are affected, melting much more rapidly. Rising seas soon follow and so does the destruction of homes, landslides and coastal inhabitants being forced to emigrate due to the increased danger.

More eco-friendly alternatives would be harnessing the power of energies such as solar, wind or electricity, which not only yield an infinite supply, but possesses none of the drawbacks of traditional non-renewables. Widespread removal of trees in the act of deforestation has also meant dire consequences. Trees and other plant life offer an essential service to humans and animals. They produce life-sustaining oxygen and function as habitats and sources of food for various wildlife. With them removed, a variety of species must migrate and face the likelihood of extinction as they are simply incapable of adapting to such drastic changes in the environment.

An alarming number of trees are harvested for raw materials in residential and commercial construction. This has become increasingly pervasive as a response to humanity’s skyrocketing population. Nevertheless, more eco-friendly methods are required to ensure the sustainability of future generations, says Alex Djerassi. Planned reforestation of these areas in relation to the number of forests uprooted would be a feasible approach to this. Wildlife exploitation, whether it be due to profit or necessity, has made a noticeable impact on a plethora of species worldwide. As yet another byproduct of the overwhelming growth rate, instances of overfishing are made evident. The removal of specific fish from our oceans year-round to keep up with the need for food and profit, has also meant these aquatic species are not given sufficient time to reproduce or replenish their population sufficiently, leaving them at severe risk of extinction. From a perspective of profit, this has been grossly apparent in the reduction of whale populations as

they were relentlessly hunted for their blubber, bones, and cartilage as a means of profiting from the rarity of the materials obtained.

Environmental conservation methods would include implementing legislative limitations on the harvesting of specific species based on population status.

For the good of the community, the realization of sharing a domain with a cornucopia of closely linked organisms should incite a call to environmental preservation beyond one’s selfish desires.            

Article Editor

Article Editor

Dale Mills is a freelance journalist with a passion for uncovering the stories that matter most. With over 10 years of experience in the field, Dale has a talent for investigating complex issues and distilling them into clear and concise reports. His writing is insightful and thought-provoking, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the world around them. Whether covering breaking news or in-depth features, Dale brings a unique perspective and a commitment to accuracy to his work. He is dedicated to impartial and ethical reporting, delivering the news with a sense of responsibility and a passion for the truth.