How QR code customer surveys should be done

Conducting a QR code customer survey involves a nuanced approach that balances convenience for the customer with the collection of valuable feedback for the business. This method leverages the ubiquity of smartphones and the ease with which QR codes can be scanned, providing a seamless transition from physical touchpoints to digital feedback forms. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to execute a QR code survey effectively.

Planning Your QR Code Survey

Identify Objectives: Before launching a QR code customer survey, clearly define what you aim to achieve. Whether it’s improving product quality, enhancing service, or gauging customer satisfaction, your objectives will guide the questions you ask.

Design the Survey: The survey should be concise and engaging to encourage completion. Use a mix of question types (e.g., multiple-choice, scale rating, and open-ended questions) to gather qualitative and quantitative data. Ensure it’s mobile-friendly, as customers will access it through their smartphones.

Test the Survey: Before deploying, test the survey internally and with a small group of customers. This helps identify any technical issues or confusing questions, ensuring a smooth experience for all participants.

Implementing the Survey

Create the QR Code: Use a reputable QR code generator to create your code. The QR code should directly link to the survey. Ensure the code’s resolution is high enough to be scanned easily, even in low-light conditions or from a distance.

Strategic Placement: Place the QR code in strategic locations where it’s easily visible and accessible to customers. This could be on product packaging, receipts, tabletops, or at the point of sale. The placement should make sense contextually for the feedback you’re seeking.

Incentivize Participation: Offer incentives to encourage survey participation. This could be a discount on future purchases, entry into a prize draw, or a free gift. Clearly communicate the incentive alongside the QR code to boost response rates.

Promoting Your QR Code Survey

Staff Training: Train your staff to promote the QR code survey to customers. They should understand the importance of the survey and be able to explain to customers how to scan the QR code and why their feedback is valuable.

Multichannel Promotion: Beyond physical locations, promote your QR code survey through multiple channels, including social media, email newsletters, and your website. This broadens the reach and accessibility of your survey.

Analyzing and Acting on Feedback

Real-Time Data Collection: One of the advantages of a QR code survey is the ability to collect and analyze data in real time. Use survey software that provides live analytics, so you can quickly identify trends and areas for improvement.

Act on Feedback: Collecting feedback is only the first step; acting on it is crucial. Use the insights gained from the survey to make informed decisions about changes to your products, services, or customer experience.


A QR code customer survey is a powerful tool for gathering timely and relevant customer feedback. By carefully planning, implementing, and promoting your survey, you can enhance the customer experience, improve your offerings, and build stronger relationships with your customers. Remember, the success of a QR code survey hinges not just on collecting feedback but on how effectively you act upon it to drive meaningful improvements.

