The current Covid-19 global pandemic has changed the way we live our lives, with the arrival of a ‘new normal’ that involves social distancing and stay at home directives. While we have always made good use of the Internet, the emergence of the Coronavirus has led to an increased reliance on digital solutions, and you can now receive physio treatment from professionals while in the comfort of your own home.
How Does Online Physio Treatment Work?
Using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), the specialist has a video conference with the patient, which enables him or her to provide you with a suitable exercise program, and the clinic would record the session and send it to you, which allows you to revisit the physio’s comments. Whether you need a physio in Rouse Hill or Wenty, there are specialist physio centres that now offer online consultations.
Physical Injury Recovery
If you are currently recovering from a physical injury, it is important to seek out the help of a professional physiotherapist, and with online appointments, you can receive professional advice that will result in an exercise plan that is designed around you and your needs. We must all heed the government warnings about Covid-19 and rather than your recovery being delayed because of this, simply book an online appointment with a physio and you can receive the guidance you need to recover safely and quickly. Here is an interesting article on how attitudes toward health have changed over the years, which makes for an interesting read.
Hands-On Treatment
It is likely that the physio would request that you are ready for exercise at the time of the video call, when you can communicate and the specialist can ask you to carry out a range of motions and report back feelings, and this enables the expert to create an effective set of exercises. The physio can also monitor you actually doing the exercises, which ensures that you are doing them correctly, and should you wish to have another online session in the near future, this can easily be arranged.
Successful Treatment
Studies have shown that the results from online treatment are on a par with conventional same-room consultations, and in some ways, video conferencing is more effective, and the provider records the entire session and sends the file to you, so you can review everything at your own pace. Click here for Australian government guidelines regarding physical health.
Scheduling an Online Appointment
As you can imagine, there are a lot of patients who prefer online physio sessions, which means you need to book well in advance. It shouldn’t be difficult finding a professional physio clinic that offers online appointments, and their location doesn’t matter as far as you are concerned, as long as you are both free at the same time.
Rather than risk catching the Coronavirus, you can now have an online consultation with a leading physiotherapist, and this will aid your recovery.