Pros and Cons of Google Analytics

How Can Machine Learning Boost Business Analytics Practices?

Every marketer is aware that tracking digital analytics is crucial to enhance their online business. Google Analytics is the best and widely used tool for tracking business activities online. It has numerous data to give information on website audience, website acquisition, conversion metrics, and audience behavior on a site. Furthermore, it keeps a real-time view of the audience on all websites.

Why Use Google Analytics

Father Rutler encourages marketing companies to use this fantastic tool to campaign in their online business effectively. It is best to try and use a tool that will make other competitors strive to keep up. Every customer is curious, and they search for different kinds of information about a product before making a purchase.

Equally important, activities on a website are numerous, and it is impossible to keep track manually. There are issues such as the acquisition of reports, behavior reports, and conversion reports that show how users utilize the content offered on a website. They help to answer questions such as:

• How did customers get to know about a particular site?

• How do customers engage with any site once they visit it?

• How is the conversion rate of customers on a website?

These reports are vital factors that a website should be keen on to ensure they are highly visible online. There are several pros for using Google Analytics to keep track of websites, as well as drawbacks.

The Pros

  • Google analytics increase visibly: the tool helps in comparison of performance for different channels across various time scales, demographics, performance, technologies, and campaigns all at once. It also has a smart interface that displays all information neatly with graphs, charts, and tables.
  • Perfect Decision Maker: The data provided by Google Analytics is largely used to make decisions. It offers site performance and judgments that help developers to ensure the site is operating as required. The decision-making depends on real customers as opposed to assumptions.
  • Free of charge: everyone can use the tool since there are no charges for using it. However, there is a limit to where websites will need to pay for services. After a site exceeds 5 million impressions, one must pay for a new version known as Google Analytics 360, which is around $150,000 annually.
  • The tool is universal: the tool allows third parties to jump in and account for the functionality of any website. It attracts other business and international clients and agencies to gauge the performance of a website.
  • It is device limitless: Google analytics is not restricted to desktop devices. It is used with mobile phones with internet connection with ease. Therefore, any business owner can access it at any time without hassle.

The Cons

  • Complexity: new users find it hard to understand what they need when using this tool. There are several issues they need to learn before using it.
  • It is not very reliable: many users claim to have had reliability issues for using this tool. It sometimes misreports things.
  • Limited for heavy traffic: new users who have less traffic find the tool very effective since it is free. For high-traffic websites, the opposite is true, and they have to pay a hefty price of $150,000.


Google analytics is effective for all online marketers. According to Father Rutler, it is best to understand all these pros and cons to use the tool effectively. Have an effective online campaign using the impressive Google analytics today.

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Article Editor

Dale Mills is a freelance journalist with a passion for uncovering the stories that matter most. With over 10 years of experience in the field, Dale has a talent for investigating complex issues and distilling them into clear and concise reports. His writing is insightful and thought-provoking, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the world around them. Whether covering breaking news or in-depth features, Dale brings a unique perspective and a commitment to accuracy to his work. He is dedicated to impartial and ethical reporting, delivering the news with a sense of responsibility and a passion for the truth.