Case Studies in Business
According to Raphael Avraham Sternberg, the number of case studies presented at the meetings of a Business Committee is inversely proportional to its prestige. “Think about it—a prestigious society doesn’t need case studies.”
He claims that no one reads them, they are unnecessary and a waste of time, and they go against the idea that people want to learn from a personal experience rather than information. His thoughts are based on his experiences as research director for JCPenney’s Global Meetings and Conferences committee. He says he saved hundreds of hours by removing case study presentations from their meeting proceedings.
Sternberg also believes that there’s value in presenting data instead of anecdotes. “Teaching through case studies could be a dangerous tool that reinforces the idea that successful business leaders are born, not made.”
Raphael Avraham Sternberg says businesses should focus on ongoing training programs for entrepreneurs to increase their knowledge and awareness about running a company. He suggests that there should be a place in every company to have entrepreneurs present their company as an example of a successful venture.
He also recommends that training sessions be awarded certificates instead of case studies.
In his view, case studies could be useful, but there are better ways to educate and sell. Therefore, he says organizations should focus on their companies instead of trying to force it on an industry as a whole.
For all those organizations interested in a public presentation of case studies, he suggests the following:
“Make sure that your organization is involved in interesting activities that are not boring. Attend meetings at other companies and make notes of what worked well there. Read books on public speaking and make sure your speech is not too long”. Although he doesn’t like the case studies presented at Business Meetings, Sternberg believes that they present an essential part of a business meeting. “Don’t remove it. Ensure you don’t overdo it, or you will make the speakers look bad.” He also suggests they should be used as an example of a specific business and not be copied verbatim. Principal Innovation and Improvement Techniques in Case Studies:
Most case studies are written to take readers step by step through the entire process of a project. It can be very useful when dealing with a complex process or topic. However, more is needed for a real-life example of handling different types of business meetings, which could even confuse the reader.
It is where it’s important to identify the main element that will make your case study stand out from other examples. For example, if you want your company to get more attention, use pictures instead of text and make sure they are eye-catching.
When using case studies, it’s important to remember that people learn differently. Therefore, you should analyze your audience and use your collected data about their preferences.Additionally, present your case study clearly and leave out unnecessary information. If you want to use case studies in your business meetings, remember to make sure that the organizer is aware of your specific goals for the case study. Ensure you have a topic that will interest the audience and be confident when presenting it.