It’s true what they say, that first impressions last, and it has never been more applicable, than in today’s business world. Prospective customers instantly judge your place of business, and how it looks from the outside, no matter how impressive it is on the inside. You might provide the best product or service that there is on the market, but if you can’t get the customers to come into your store, then it’s all been for nothing. Many business owners spend a lot of money on signage and advertising, in a futile attempt to draw customers in, but people are scared off by such things, and they see the bright colours as intimidating, and so they stay away.
On the other hand, making your business premises more inviting by adding plants and flowers, is a greener, and more environmentally aware way, to draw customers towards your business. We are instinctively drawn to natural, beautiful things, and so having a flowering tree, or a colourful tree, at the front of, or around your premises, is sure to draw potential customers forward. Before you start talking about the costs of getting a professional landscaper in, to do the job, let me tell you, that you don’t need such a person, when you have commercial pots available to you. The following are just some of the many advantages to placing commercial pots all around your business premises.
- They are extremely adaptable – Commercial pots are perfect, because they allow you to grow a variety of different plants and trees, all around the different areas that surround your commercial premises. They can be placed either side of the entry door, and they can be a welcoming feature for your customers. You can add colour and beauty to areas that would otherwise be very dull, and because they are portable, you can move them around to change things up a bit, when it becomes a little bit predictable.
- So many varieties – You are not restricted to one particular commercial pot, because there are many different ones to choose from. They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colours, and so they can easily blend in, with the colours that you already chose for your business premises. You can even get custom designed commercial pots, that can be painted in any colour of your choice. There are actually glass reinforced concrete planters and pots, that are incredibly environmentally friendly.
These are only two of the many benefits, and there are a lot more. Instead of having the area around your business landscaped, you can keep control of weeds and pests by using commercial pots. Each one can be maintained quite easily, and if it’s getting too much sun, it can be moved. Equally, if the plant is not getting enough sun, they can be placed somewhere where it gets a lot. These commercial pots are also environmentally friendly, because they can be used over and over again, when you grow tired of looking at the same plant, and so you want to switch it out, for something more colourful, or robust.