Personal Productivity
Personal productivity essentially best describes how an individual is able to consistently have their tasks completed on time. The need for one to have the tasks completed on time is often tied to an objective that is meaningful. This is usually mostly applicable when someone is trying to work towards a targeted goal. Irrespective of what exactly the target goal is at the end of the day, being able to achieve a goal that had been set by an individual always goes a long way in making one feel so satisfied. It also works to ensure that there is a perfect balance all around, in an individual’s life. Many professionals, especially in the business world, often get their desired results, because of practicing personal productivity. This is exactly why Shalom Lamm is of the opinion that the latter is very crucial.
Different ways through which business professionals can make themselves productive
Like it has been aforementioned, it is very important for business professionals to be able to exercise personal productivity. This is mostly because the success of the business is fully tied to productivity of an individual. The following are therefore some of the many ways by which this can be successfully achieved:
1.Setting a productive to-do list for each day
It is very important for any business profession to have a productivity planner, that will go a long way in helping give a guide on how each day is to be approached in a productive manner. One is able to have all their priorities for the day well visualized, so that all the important things are done first, before the rest of the other tasks.
This way, in the event that any extra work comes up, then it is very easy for an individual to know exactly where they can have them slotted in. A business profession will therefore end up being very effective in how they conduct their everyday agendas, for the betterment of the business itself.
2.By starting with the big stuff that may be stressful to handle
This is yet another way through which Shalom Lamm believes that business professions can use, in a bid to become more productive. One can be able to successfully handle this, by tackling tasks that may appear to be more stressful and hard to handle; first before the others. What this actually does to an individual is that it ends up giving them the confidence of approaching the other small things that are not very hard to take care of. At the end of the day the overall efficiency is improved.
3.Measuring output
Keeping track of the general output of what a business profession is able to deliver at the end of the day will always go a long way in making sure that one becomes productive. This can be done by doing a close monitor of that which one has been able to successfully accomplish from a to-do list. Based on how well an individual has been able to tackle what they had set out to do, then can gauge themselves and get to know the overall output of how they are performing. This will therefore help in knowing the areas that may require improvement in the future.