Transitioning Sleep Positions as Your Baby Grows

As your baby’s first year progresses, they will likely change and grow quickly. Their sleep patterns and needs will also evolve as they age. Here are some tips on the best sleep position for your baby in each of their developmental stages:

First Position: 

A baby can lay on their tummy (prone) – birth to 2 months or until baby can roll themselves over onto their back (usually within the first month)

Second Position: 

A baby can be put on their side (lateral recumbent position) – 2 months to 4 months

Third Position:

A baby can be placed on their back (supine) – the baby can be placed in this sleep position at 4 months, but pediatricians recommend keeping the baby in the third position for as short of a time as possible because it is the riskiest sleep position.

Fourth Position: 

A baby can be placed on their back, but pediatricians recommend transitioning to this position around 6 months of age because their reflexes will kick in and help them lift their head up off the mattress. They should never stay in this position for longer than a nap or two because if they sink into deep sleep, they may not wake up on their own.

Important pediatric sleep safety tip: Babies should always be placed on their backs to sleep and stay in this position for every nap and nighttime sleep. That’s the only way to ensure the baby will not accidentally roll into a dangerous or deadly position.

Never let your child sleep on their stomach because it hampers their ability to lift their head and increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

In addition to changing the position they sleep in, babies will also grow out of their baby sleep suits.

  • For newborns and infants up to 6 months old, pediatricians recommend sleeping them in a one-piece sleeper which is easy for you to change diapers quickly and safely with two arm holes (one on each side).
  • For babies between 6 and 9 months old, pediatricians suggest moving to a two-piece sleeper so the baby can wear a long-sleeved shirt or one piece with leggings underneath.
  • For babies over 9 months old, pediatricians recommend removing the footed sleepers from your baby’s wardrobe and go back to just using a two-piece outfit that buttons in the front.

This way you won’t have to struggle with trying to put baby’s socks on when they can’t sit up by themselves, and it makes diaper changes easier because you don’t need to remove the sleeper. Plus, pediatricians recommend using bedding that has no hood or loose blankets so your baby will always be safe in their sleep environment.

So, as your baby grows they will transition to new sleep positions and also move on from their baby sleep suits. If you’re looking for pediatric physical therapist-approved baby sleep safety tips or pediatrician-recommended sleepwear, then contact Baby Merlin in your area today.

Chris Turn

Chris Turn